Predict what you want to type next using AI. Use Command (or Control) + V to auto-complete.
Use up / down or - / + to select the right suggestion.
Use left / right or [ / ] to select part of a suggestion.
Double tap control key, enter the name of the template, then press enter
Smoothie works across all major websites. It's like Gmail's Smart Compose feature but works on any website.
Can't find an answer? Don't hesitate to reach out at [email protected]
Nope, we NEVER store what you write.
You can use Smoothie editor and then copy what you wrote to the clipboard. It can be accessed using shortcut: ctrl + shift + s
It works anywhere that has a multi-line input field. Like the ones you see in email composers, social network posts & messages, web-based productivity tools, etc. However, it does not work on single-line text fields, like the ones you see when you are filling out a form or entering your passwords.
It's free!
Hi and nice to meet you!
Product Manager building machine learning powered products. Former Strategy Consultant. Passionate about building impossible products enabled by advanced AI. Talk to me about crazy (or dumb) product, machine learning, or business ideas